Akbayan FANEW

We are a non-profit organization, dedicated in preserving the heritage of the Filipino people by building a strong community of Filipino-Americans supporting each other with the common goal of helping its members and others in a form of charity, education and information.

"Akbayan" is a Tagalog word meaning Filipinos working together, shoulder to shoulder with each other.

"FANEW" is an acronym for Filipino-Americans of North East Wisconsin.

Membership is open to anyone of Filipino descent within the Fox Valley Cities, surrounding areas and beyond. It is also open to any citizen or resident of the United States who is interested and willing to get involved in the positive promotion and/or participation in the various activities of the organization.

We do have a yearly membership fee that provides us the funding for our mailings and various fees associated with running our organization.
No one in our organization is compensated for any work done on behalf of Akbayan.

Our executive officers are elected for a term of two years, and each member is afforded an opportunity to nominate and vote in person or by mail.
Elections are held every other year.
The board of directors consists of the past and present presidents, and the original founding members.

The president may serve a maximum of two consecutive terms. All other officers may accept reelection of multiple terms.

We have a dance troupe that travels all over Wisconsin and performs traditional Filipino Folk dances, and teaches where they visit about Filipino life and culture.

We also host an array of functions, from bowling, golf outings, picnics, Halloween Party and Christmas dinner.

We hope you will join us and learn more about Akbayan, the Philippines and the wonderful people that have traveled here to be our friends and neighbors!!